Body care
Body Applicator Wraps


250 ml.

Essential oils of Lavender, Eucalyptus, Sandal, Centella, Gaulteria, Horse Chestnut extract.


Fluid AF 1 has a direct lipolytic effect.

It activates the cleavage of fatty deposits, speeds up metabolic processes, drains the cellular fluid, reduces the pressure in the interstitial (intercellular) spaces by diluting the lymph. The effect is achieved by direct splitting of fat deposits by enzymes and essential oils.

Essential Lavender oil helps to cleanse the body of toxins, has a regenerating effect on skin cells. Sandal oil rejuvenates, refreshes, tones up the skin, eliminates flabbiness and vagueness of the contours of the body, optimizes blood circulation and microcirculation, drains the body of toxins. Centella Asiatica increases the body's local temperature and, thus, promotes faster and more efficient splitting of fat. The oil of Gaulteria has anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, resorptive, analgesic effect. Horse Chestnut Extract contains a large number of flavone compounds that strengthen and tonify the walls of blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity and the possibility of blood clots in blood vessels.

It is recommended to use in combination with the fluids AF 2 and AF 3.

It is used in the following procedures:

AF fat removal

Mixed cellulite

Edemofibrous cellulite

Solid cellulite

General drainage

Drawworks drainage

Therapeutic drainage
