Questions and answers

Does Body Lab by Lidiya Zeydan guarantee me the result?

All experience of Body Lab is based on a unique combination of knowledge and practice — from evidence-based medicine to quantum physics. Furthermore, we are creating your unique style together with you. It depends on you whether to act and get the desired result, or just to know the theory (which is also a value for a particular group of people).

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In which way can consultations be implemented?

Individual consultations are provided both online (Skype) and during offline meetings. Upon completion of the consultation the client gets access to his member area, where the necessary information is downloaded.

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Does my blood group matters?

An important element to form your nutrition habits is the medical approach to your blood group as it will show which products are useful for you, and which move you away from the goal. However, this approach works exclusively in addition to the general principles of nutrition, water balance, and product compatibility.

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What is Body Lab?

Body Lab by Lidiya Zeydan is a lifestyle which harmoniously develops the physical (external beauty, healthy body), the mental (inner sanogenicity) and the metaphysical (energy fullness) components.

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What is the metaphysical component of the system?

Everything in the world is energy. For the energies own laws, causes and consequences are typical. The quantum view on achieving your goal is the most important component of Body Lab by Lidiya Zeydan.

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