Онлайн-марафон для всех, кто хочет быть в форме!

Онлайн-марафон для всех, кто хочет быть в форме!


Уже 6 февраля 2019 года стартует самый долгожданный онлайн-марафон от Доктора Лидии Зейдан в рамках ее авторской программы.

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Тело как магнит: Квантовая формула

Тело как магнит: Квантовая формула

Готова к переменам? Не пропусти яркий и сочный апрель - мастер-класс и тренинг по новой авторской программе Лидии Зейдан «Тело как магнит: Квантовая формула» в Дубае и Астане!

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Красота, идущая изнутри: доктор Лидия Зейдан

Красота, идущая изнутри: доктор Лидия Зейдан

К команде фамильной клиники эстетической медицины Shagov Aesthetic Medicine присоединилась врач акушер-гинеколог, нутрицевт Лидия Зейдан. 

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Старт программы  «Quantum nutrition»

Start of The “Quantum nutrition” program by Lidiya Zeydan.

Are you ready for a change once and forever? Do you want to become Your Best Version? Sport activity is only 20% of success. The most influential 80% is nutrition philosophy and special mindset.

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Обертывание Физиодрен - MUST FOR SUMMER 2017


An active Fluid and shock Cataplasm, highly recommended for an express body treatment against oedematous cellulite flaws, lymphostasis and problems in the venous blood circulation. It carries out a shocking ice therapy that reduces stagnation of liquids and toxins.

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Знакомство с Body Lab by Lidiya Zeydan!

Get to know Body Lab by Lidiya Zeydan!

Dear friends, today we would like to share our great joy with you— we are launching the Body Lab by Lidiya Zeydan website!

We have worked hard to make it as functional, convenient and informative for each of you as possible. Considering all your wishes, we created a handy guide to the best of you — the perfect version of yourself!

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Путешествие в мир Smart food

Journey to the Smart food world

You may leave dreams about an ideal and balanced source of proper nutrition far behind! It has already been found and numerously tested on ourselves.

Body Lab was in the sacred place — the shop of Smart Food partners. Probably, it would be impossible to get 100 % quality if everything had not been thought out here down to the smallest details.

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География Body Lab

Geographical coverage of Body Lab

To take a step closer to the best of you it is enough to start small — a consultation.

You, dear clients and guests, have a unique opportunity to get it remotely and at our office.

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Шопинг-туризм вместе с Body Lab by Lidiya Zeydan

Shopping-tourism with Body Lab by Lidiya Zeydan

The harmony of life consists of many facets, one of which is style.

Body Lab does not only make you better, it makes you beautiful allowing to see yourself from different perspectives: strong energy, good health, beautiful body and impeccable image.

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